Thursday, August 10, 2017

Female Balding Is A Looming Reality

Without hair or due to the hair related issues like hair thinning, hair loss or baldness, a woman becomes less beautiful and attractive. But don’t worry now, because Female balding is a looming reality and if you are one of those women who is suffering from the hair problems then you can cure it by getting a Female pattern baldness treatment.

Appearance Matters A lot

Appearance is one of the most important things for a woman. Women use face creams, foundations, and premiers etc. to make their skin look tremendously beautiful.They also style their hair by 

excessive use of heating tools like the straightener, curlers, blow-dryer and also by using harsh chemical products like permanent dye colors, striking etc. because hair adds more charm and glamorous look to the face. But unconsciously they are damaging their hair.

Tips to Help Women Spot Early Signs of Female Hair Loss

  • If you are losing more than 100 hair strands while washing, brushing or on your pillow and clothes.
  • Your ponytail, braid or bun becomes thinner.
  • Your scalp is becoming more prominent and hair has less volume than it used to.
  • Your hair does not grow as long as it used to be.
  • The ends are finer than usual.
  • Your hair is becoming thinner at the front, crown or temple areas of the scalp.
  • Hair is also growing in other parts of the body like on the face, chest or arms.
If you think that baldness is only faced by men then you're wrong. Because nowadays, a huge number of ladies throughout the world are suffering the hair difficulties. And it’s the main reason of the women’s low self-esteem and confidence. Without proper care and treatment, female pattern baldness can take a toll on your life. It’s not important that each and every female will have to face female pattern baldness. Most women begin suffering from female pattern baldness in their 40s to 60s. But they can treat it by getting Female patternbaldness treatment.

Types of Female Baldness

Female baldness due to hormonal imbalance
When hair follicles become oversensitive to the hormones known as androgens then hair loss is caused in resultant. All around the globe, women are suffering from female baldness due to hormonal imbalance. The appearance of baldness is not same in both genders.

Another type of female baldness is trichotillomania
In this type of female baldness, women have an instinct to pull their hair out. They feel relaxed and calmed by pulling their hair out. After excessive pulling of hair, ultimately they have to suffer from female baldness. It’s also called hair pulling disorder.

Alopecia areata is an auto-immune disorder
In this type of female baldness, hair starts falling out in circular patches from random parts of the scalp and it mostly appears in early childhood.

Natural Hair Loss Treatments

  • You should increase the intake of foods which contain Vitamin B as it helps with hair regrowth.
  • You should also have to increase the intake of foods containing Vitamin E. It helps in the healthy blood flow to the scalp.
  • Make a habit of eating the healthy diet, foods which contain Vitamin A and C.
  • You can also use herbal remedies stimulate the hair regrowth like by using saw palmetto, green tea, and rosemary.
Female Pattern Baldness Treatment:
It is highly recommended that when you notice that your hair is becoming thin and weak. Then you should consult a trichologist so that he will examine your scalp and then will recommend you to get a Female pattern baldness treatment from any authentic and well-known clinic. So that you will be able to get a safe, natural and permanent treatment.
Avoid Using Temporary Treatments:
It’s strictly prohibited to avoid using all kinds of temporary treatments like medications, steroids, sprays, creams, gels, injections, lotions etc. these are the way to waste money and time. Because these treatments don’t provide expected results in guaranteed time period and also causes side effects, skin diseases, allergies etc.