Monday, October 16, 2017

The Benefits of Having a Full Head of Hair

A Dilemma of Baldness:

  • Baldness is mostly inherited from either paternal or maternal side and it’s a trait seen across all ethnicities.
  • Because bald men are typically seen as less attractive than those men who have hair.
  • Men who have hair are seen to be more charming.
  • Don't worry, you can have an illusion of naturally shaven head by getting an SMP treatment in Dubai from the hair transplant clinic.
Men who have shaven heads or shorter hair are considered more sophisticated as compared to bald men.
By the age of 35, almost 45% of men have noticeable hair loss which increases to up to 65% of men by the age of 60.
Hair loss is a trait and it's mostly inherited which can be seen in almost every ethnic group.

Why Men Go Bald:

Baldness is caused when tiny sacs in the scalp from where hair grows become exposed to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It’s actually a chemical which is produced by the male hormone testosterone.
When testosterones are being converted into DHT then the hair follicles begin to shrink and so the hair becomes thinner.

One of the Trichologist said that:

“I speculated that male pattern baldness evolved as an appeasement signal and signaled benign, non-threatening dominance.”

The Difference between Bald men with Men having a Full Head of hair:

According to the researchers, it’s being evaluated that men having a full head of hair are more attractive than bald men.

 Physical Attractiveness:

Men with a full head of hair are considered as more physically attractive and handsome as compared to bald men.

As a Trichologist said that:

“It could be speculated that although the characteristic of baldness decreases a man's perceived physical attractiveness, it increases his perceived social dominance.”
It’s a universal truth that women like physically attractive men and men with having a full head of hair. Many men have a fear of being bald due to its many negative aspects but now due to the advancement in the hair loss treatments, they can get treatments which can give them an illusion of natural looking hair.

The Benefits of having a Full Head of Hair:

No matter if you are experiencing hair thinning or hair loss. Still, you don't get dis-hearted instead you should evaluate your treatment options.
If you are a bald man and want to have an appearance of natural looking hair, SMP therapy could be for you. With this therapy, you will have an illusion of shaven head instead of a completely bald head.
But hang on….Not too fast….!!! Before getting an SMP therapy, it's recommended to have a consultation with the trichologist first. Because you have to make sure that either you are eligible to get a Scalp micro pigmentation treatment or not.

Arrange an Appointment with the Trichologist at the Hair Transplant Clinic:

To get to know that either you are a good candidate to get a SMP (Scalp micro pigmentation) therapy or not, so for that, you have to arrange an appointment with the trichologist at the hair transplant center.
He will examine your scalp very thoroughly and then will tell you the actual cause behind your hair thinning. Then will recommend you to get a suitable treatment or to get a SMP treatment in Dubai from the hair transplant clinic.

What is (Scalp micro pigmentation) SMP?

Scalp micro pigmentation is the highly advanced non-surgical method. It is invented to hide hair thinning. You must be tired of wearing wigs and hair extensions to hide your hair thinning problem. And you also don’t want to use short term treatments like hair-regrowth products, medications, home remedies etc.
SMP treatment is totally safe and doesn't have side effects. It's like a permanent makeup or a tattoo.

How does Scalp micro pigmentation (SMP) Work?

The inks which are specially used in the SMP therapy are injected into your recipient areas or to those regions of your scalp which needs treatment, with the help of specially designed tiny needles.
Many people are satisfied with its results because it provides better results in short span of time and also gives an appearance of natural looking hair.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

PRP right option for your hair loss?

Is it right to say that you are looking for a non-surgical hair treatment? Or thinking that either PRP is a right option to treat your hair loss or not? If you strongly agree with these questions then keep reading this blog, to get to know the answers to them and also get more information about the PRPtherapy Dubai.
PRP Therapy is a Practically Demonstrated Hair Loss Treatment:
Hair is a great gift of God. Whether you are a man or a lady, hair is an important piece of your personality, identity and also helps to groom you and adds charm to your appearance. Most of us have to face hair loss in our lives and really needs to get rid of it by getting any long-lasting therapy. There is no magical pill yet invented to stop hair loss or to regrow hair. But PRP therapy is invented and it shows expected results.
Try PRP Therapy to treat your hair loss and you will love its results. This treatment includes Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), which is extracted from the patient’s scalp to treat hair shedding and trigger hair growth.
If you are also having hair loss and want to treat it permanently then worry no more. Because PRP therapy claims to provide desired results of natural hair. This technique to cure hair loss is been used in the medical field for almost two decades. And it’s the safest therapy to restore hair.
Avoid Temporary Treatment Options:
Try not to endanger your life by consuming medicines and other short-term treatments. Instead of solving hair loss issue, these causes many other health issues too.
Consultation with the Experienced Trichologist:
Instead of self-diagnosis, just rush to consult an experienced trichologist. He will examine your scalp very carefully and then will recommend you to get a suitable treatment from the hair transplant center.
Confirmation from Trichologist that either you are a Right Candidate or Not:
Consultation with the professional trichologist is also important before getting a PRP therapy because he will assure you that either you are a good candidate to get a PRP hair loss treatment or not.
If you will be a right candidate then you will get expected results in desired time period. And if you aren’t a good candidate then you may have to suffer from many health problems like itching, irritation, redness etc.
If you aren’t a right candidate to get a PRP hair fall therapy then following are the reasons for it.
You aren’t the Right Candidate for PRP Therapy if you:
  • have a habit of taking drugs
  • Have any kind of medical disorder like the chronic liver disease, skin diseases, cancer, metabolic.
  • Habit to smoke
And if you will be a good candidate and can get PRP hair loss treatment as prescribed by the dermatologist. Then the PRP treatment will be performed in following steps:
The procedure of PRP Therapy Dubai:
  • The treatment begins by extraction of blood from the patient.
  • Then the platelet rich plasma is being separated from the extracted blood of the patient.
  • Local anesthesia is administrated to the scalp to numb it.
  • Once the scalp is totally numb, then PRP is injected into the whole scalp with the help of the specially designed injection.
  • The whole procedure takes an almost hour and a half to finish.
If you get a PRP hair loss Therapy then you have made a right choice to treat your hair fall. Because PRP treatment is popular due to its following benefits.
Benefits of PRP Therapy Dubai:
  • A progressed non-surgical hair loss treatment.
  • Autologous, extracted from the patient's own blood
  • Consumes less time in the procedure
  • Requires a small sample of blood
  • Wounds heal in almost 3-6 months.

So if you have finally decided to get a PRP therapy Dubai from the hair transplant center. Then you won’t ever regret it. Because it provides the safe results. Other short-term treatments only provide side effects, infections and skin diseases. So try to avoid those short-term treatments and get a permanent treatment from the hair transplant clinic.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Homes Under the Hammer star Martin Roberts undergoes hair transplant

  • Mr. Roberts had a hair transplant procedure when he noticed a bald patch on his scalp.
  • He was very happy and satisfied with the results and said that men should be quick to show interest in themselves; by taking care of themselves and by maintaining their physical appearance.
Homes Under The Hammer star “Martin Roberts”, has revealed his head having thick natural hair after getting a hair transplant.
The star got the same surgery as Wayne Rooney had, to enhance the personality and appearance by treating hair thinning issue.
When he noticed a bald patch on his scalp then he took action to cure it instead of wasting more time on temporary treatments.

Mr. Martin Robert said that:

“Every time there was a shot of me from the back, you'd see this “thing” - my bald spot. It was like a halo.
I know I have not been getting any more saintly so there could only be one other reason - my hair was thinning quite quickly.”
Mr. Roberts was really inspired after looking other celebrities going in public after getting a hair transplant procedure.

Wayne Rooney and James Nesbitt:

Roberts said that thankfully, there is no longer a stigma attached to having a hair transplant.
He also said that:
"When you people like Wayne Rooney and James Nesbitt being so open about having help, you do think, “why not?”

Hair Loss can affect Confidence and Self-Esteem Level:

He really appreciated hair transplants by saying that hair transplants are only the vanity treatment that men can have. Men don’t need face lifts for improved confidence levels but the loss of hair really can affect their self-esteem and confidence level.

There’s No Treatment like Hair Transplant to cure Hair Thinning Issue:

There is no drug, medication, product, and therapy in the world which can help to regrow natural looking hair, except a hair transplant procedure.

As Mr. Roberts also said that:

“No drug in the world is going to make your hair grow back- so the only solution is a hair transplant.”

Celebrities who had gotten a Hair Transplant:

Many celebrities like Calum Best, Christian Jessen, Wayne Rooney and James Nesbitt etc. got a hair transplant procedure due to which, they have a dramatic rise in their fortunes.

James Nesbitt:

James Nesbitt recently revealed that he has been offered a string of starring roles after getting a hair transplant surgery to enhance his thinning hairline.
Years ago, men use to cover their bald patches by just combing and setting hair on the bald spots. But thankfully, things have moved on a lot and so a permanent treatment is invented i.e. hair transplant.

As Mr. Roberts expressed his Glad Feelings about Hair Transplant, saying that:

Years ago, men would cover up a balding crown with a comb over like the one Bobby Charlton had in the Seventies.
Thankfully, things have moved on a lot since then - and there are simple steps men can take like a hair transplant to combat baldness.”

Well, all men want to look good and handsome but it is especially important when you are on TV like Martin. People who are having any kind of hair problems don’t have to feel ashamed because many of their favorite celebrities are opening up.

From hair loss to hot hipster! Due to a Hair Transplant Procedure

  • Kieran Groves from Worcester noticed his hair thinning at the age of 22.
  • But after getting a hair transplant, he got a new look.

A barber started losing his hair at the age of 20 but when he got a hairtransplant  procedure, he has been offered a modeling contract.
Kieran Groves was really embarrassed due to his hair thinning issue. He used to make excuses to go out in public.

Expressed his Depressed Feelings by saying that:

Well, Losing hair in the early twenties is really tough. Everybody expected it to happen when they get older. But if hair shedding starts when you're young, then it's the most upsetting situation.
It really affects the personality by knocking down confidence and self-esteem level.

Tried all Short-Term Treatments to cure his Hair Problem:

He tried many home remedies to overcome the hair problem but he didn't got any visible results, that’s why he started to lose hope. He even tried the steroids, injections, and advertised hair growing tonics like creams, gels, sprays etc. but failed to solve the hair issue.

Shared his Failed Attempts to cure his Hair Loss Issue:

He tried every remedy to cure his hair fall and being a barber he knew plenty of tips to control further hair loss.
The 28-year old barber was so embarrassed due to his hair diminishing problem that he stopped playing football and swimming. He even made excuses to stay inside when it was raining. Because his hair loss was even more prominent when his hair was wet.

His feelings of Lost Hope:

He really wanted to hide his hair fall while going out in public. Like when it was raining then he would make excuses not to go out because if his hair got wet then people will be able to see that how thin his hair is. He also stopped playing football and swimming due to the same reason.
"It sounds mad looking back that it got to that point but it knocks your confidence so much that it does impact on everything you do.”

Consultation with the Experienced Dermatologist at the Hair Transplant Centre:

After trying all the short term treatments, his friend suggested him to consult a trichologist. He recommended him to get a hair transplant procedure. Because it’s the only safe and effective treatment. It provides better results in short span time without causing any kind of side effects.

Hair Transplant Procedure:

He then finally got a hair transplant procedure. And now after 12-hour hair transplant procedure, he has natural looking hair.
  • The procedure includes the extraction of the hair follicles individually from the sides and the back of his head.
  • Then tiny incisions at the proper locations were made at the recipient areas for the implantation process.
  • In the end, the extracted hair follicles were then implanted at the right angels in the made tiny incisions to complete the surgery.
  • The entire hair transplant surgery was performed under the administration of the local anesthesia for the painless procedure.

Satisfied and Pleased Feelings after getting a Hair Transplant Surgery:

After getting the hair transplant surgery, he resumed his career and started playing football. He also expressed his happy feelings after the transplant and he was also offered a modeling contract by saying that:
On the day of the surgery, he was having mixed feelings, like the kind of excitement and nervousness.
"The next morning I woke up, looked in the mirror and could see where this great new hairline was going to grow."
Then he said that he's now feeling like he's truly living life to the fullest and he also said that:
"I’ve been amazed by the results. I knew my hair would look better but I didn’t expect such coverage, or for it to look this good."

Shared his Experience to Inspire the other Victims of Hair Problems:

He shared his experience from hair loss to hot hipster, because he wants to inspire all those victims who are also suffering from the hair problems. But think that getting a hair transplant is more awkward and embarrassing.

If you are one of them who are experiencing hair loss then instead of using short-term treatments, it’s better if you just consult a trichologist at the hair transplant center. And get a hair transplant procedure to cure all kinds of hair issues before it’s too late.

Monday, September 18, 2017

الحلاقة العصرية للمرأة ذات الشعر الرقيق

لديكي شعر رقيقة وتريدي أن تعطيه  حجما , إلقي نظرة على الحلاقة العصرية للشعر الرقيق. إذا كنتِ ترغبي في علاج طويل الأمد عليكي الحصول على زرع شعر المرأةفي دبي.أي امرأة لديها شعر رقيق    يمكن أن يصل الإحباط  والياس عندها إلى  مالانهاية لانها لم تتحصل على قصة الشعر مناسبة لها إذا كنتِ كذلك فأنتِ ضحية للشعر الرقيق. تسريحات الشعر العادية  تسقط بسرعة وتفقد حجمها وبالتالي إظهار مناطق الشعر الرقيق. للبحث عن طريقة او تسريحة مناسبة للشعر و عصرية التي قد تساعدك على إخفاء فقدان شعرك  وبالتالي تنتهي المشكلة هنا.

فيما يلي أفضل عشرة قصات شعر التي تساعد على إخفاء الشعر الرقيق أو تساقط الشعر:
أنواع الحلاقات العصرية  لللواتي تعانين من ترقق الشعر:
1-  ذيــــــل حصـــــان
2-  تفكيك جديلة ذيل السمكة
 3- أعلى إسحب رجع
 4- لـــــوب متمـــوج
 5- تعميق جزء من الجانب
6- شعر الناصية الأمامي بدرجات متفاوتة
7- التــــاج المظفـــــور
8- الزاويـــــة بــــــوب
9- تقليد لفة شعر  ذيل حصان
10- الطبقات الأمامية الناعمة

ذيـــــــــــل الحصــــان:
خلق ذيل حصان ضخم هو تسريحة سهلة التي تناسب حقا مع الشعر الرقيق. ولكن عليك التأكد من أن شعرك جاف.عقد أعلى طبقة من شعرك باستخدام مشط الأسنان ، فمن المستحسن لإعطاء  التاثير الشكلي . ثم، في النهاية، سحب شعرك مرة أخرى في ذيل حصان عالي  وربطة عنق مع مرونة.

تفكيك جديلة ذيل السمكة:

ضفائر ذيل السمكة تعطيك شكل  جديد  تماما إذا كان لديك شعر متوسط  . في هذه الحالة طريقة السمكة الجديلة انهت ذيل السمكة بالكامل ، تأمينه مع مرونة ثم إضافة حجم إليها  باستخدم يديك، واتخاذ كل قسم من جديلة ثم قرصة من الخارج على كلا الجانبين. وهذا يعطي  سمك للجديلة  .

 أعلـــى إسحـــب رجــــع :
أولا، إغسلي شعرك ثم يجفف تماما. بعد ذلك، ألطبقة العلوية في منتصف شعرك، ومسك الطبقات العلية للشعر  وبخفة  ندف ذلك.
ثم سحب هذه الطبقة مرة أخرى بحيث يغطي الجزء الخاص بك ومن ثم تأمينه مع دبابيس بوبي.

لــــــــوب متمـــــوج:
إذا كان لديكِ شعر رقيق و متموج  الفص يمكن أن يعطيك فوائد الاثنين. فائدة واحدة من الفص متموجة هو انها تصفيف  الشعر القصير  لا يحصل على وزنه أسفل وإعطاء التوتر على شعرك. والفائدة الأخرى هي أن الملمس الشاطئي يوفر مظهر سمك.لتكوين لوب متموجة، أولا وقبل كل شيء، استخدام رذاذ التسميك في جميع أنحاء شعرك لإضافة كثافة طويلة الأمد، والملمس، وحجم. ثم استخدم يديك لخلق موجات الشاطئ. عندما يكون جافا،   بلطف تشسير أصابعك للإثارة تجاعيد الشعر.

 تعميق جزء من الجانب :
 هذه الطريقة  تساعد شعرك الرقيق ليبدو سميكا، كما أنها تعطي الامتلاء حول وجهك. جزء من شعرك على جانب واحد ومن ثم استخدام الشباك الحديدي أو عصا لإعطاء بعض حجم.

شعر الناصية الأمامي بدرجات متفاوتة:
وجود الدرجات  المتفاوتة تساعد على إعطائك خيار لتجزئة جزء منه إلى جانب واحد أو في المركز.

التـــــاج المضــــــفر:
إذا كان لديكِ شعر رقيق و تعبتِ من ذيل الحصان، موجات بيتشي أو كعكة أو جربي التاج المضفر.لتكوين هذا، خذي الشعر من المنطقة التي فوق أذنك مباشرة لتشكيل جديلة. جديها نحو كتفك ثم تلتف حول رأسك مثل التاج.

زاويـــــــة بــــــــوب :
 ستساعد كي على  إضافة الامتلاء والحركة والحياة لشعرك.

تقليد لفة شعر ذيل حصان:
بدلا من ذيل  حصان أنيق، الشعر  سيكون ملفوف  حول ذيل حصان فوضوي حيث يمكن أن يغطي الشعر الرقيق  وإعطائه  مظهر جميل .الخدعة هي أن سحب شعرك في ذيل حصان , مع عدم جمعه وشده كثيرا بحيث تصبح منطقة تاج مسطحة. ثم استخدام تقليد الشعر المتعادل لتأمين ذيل حصان الخاص بك،   في النهاية، التفاف بعض الشعر بمرونة لتغطية ذلك.

الطبقات الأمامية الناعمة:
فقط نضع في اعتبارنا أن الجزء الخلفي من شعرك يجب أن يقطع في خط مستقيم وقطع الطبقات الأمامية التي تبدأ من الجزء السفلي من ذقنك ثم تتالي لأسفل.

إستشارة  خبير الشعر

إذا كنتِ تعاني من ترقق الشعر ستكون فكرة جيدة  القيام بزيارة خبير الشعر  للتقييم السليم. لذلك لتجهيز موعد مع خبير الشعر لتقييم فروة رأسك. وبعد التقييم، سيقدم لكي النصيحة للحصول على العلاج المناسب أو للحصول على زرع الشعر المرأة في دبي من عيادة زراعة الشعر.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Female Balding Is A Looming Reality

Without hair or due to the hair related issues like hair thinning, hair loss or baldness, a woman becomes less beautiful and attractive. But don’t worry now, because Female balding is a looming reality and if you are one of those women who is suffering from the hair problems then you can cure it by getting a Female pattern baldness treatment.

Appearance Matters A lot

Appearance is one of the most important things for a woman. Women use face creams, foundations, and premiers etc. to make their skin look tremendously beautiful.They also style their hair by 

excessive use of heating tools like the straightener, curlers, blow-dryer and also by using harsh chemical products like permanent dye colors, striking etc. because hair adds more charm and glamorous look to the face. But unconsciously they are damaging their hair.

Tips to Help Women Spot Early Signs of Female Hair Loss

  • If you are losing more than 100 hair strands while washing, brushing or on your pillow and clothes.
  • Your ponytail, braid or bun becomes thinner.
  • Your scalp is becoming more prominent and hair has less volume than it used to.
  • Your hair does not grow as long as it used to be.
  • The ends are finer than usual.
  • Your hair is becoming thinner at the front, crown or temple areas of the scalp.
  • Hair is also growing in other parts of the body like on the face, chest or arms.
If you think that baldness is only faced by men then you're wrong. Because nowadays, a huge number of ladies throughout the world are suffering the hair difficulties. And it’s the main reason of the women’s low self-esteem and confidence. Without proper care and treatment, female pattern baldness can take a toll on your life. It’s not important that each and every female will have to face female pattern baldness. Most women begin suffering from female pattern baldness in their 40s to 60s. But they can treat it by getting Female patternbaldness treatment.

Types of Female Baldness

Female baldness due to hormonal imbalance
When hair follicles become oversensitive to the hormones known as androgens then hair loss is caused in resultant. All around the globe, women are suffering from female baldness due to hormonal imbalance. The appearance of baldness is not same in both genders.

Another type of female baldness is trichotillomania
In this type of female baldness, women have an instinct to pull their hair out. They feel relaxed and calmed by pulling their hair out. After excessive pulling of hair, ultimately they have to suffer from female baldness. It’s also called hair pulling disorder.

Alopecia areata is an auto-immune disorder
In this type of female baldness, hair starts falling out in circular patches from random parts of the scalp and it mostly appears in early childhood.

Natural Hair Loss Treatments

  • You should increase the intake of foods which contain Vitamin B as it helps with hair regrowth.
  • You should also have to increase the intake of foods containing Vitamin E. It helps in the healthy blood flow to the scalp.
  • Make a habit of eating the healthy diet, foods which contain Vitamin A and C.
  • You can also use herbal remedies stimulate the hair regrowth like by using saw palmetto, green tea, and rosemary.
Female Pattern Baldness Treatment:
It is highly recommended that when you notice that your hair is becoming thin and weak. Then you should consult a trichologist so that he will examine your scalp and then will recommend you to get a Female pattern baldness treatment from any authentic and well-known clinic. So that you will be able to get a safe, natural and permanent treatment.
Avoid Using Temporary Treatments:
It’s strictly prohibited to avoid using all kinds of temporary treatments like medications, steroids, sprays, creams, gels, injections, lotions etc. these are the way to waste money and time. Because these treatments don’t provide expected results in guaranteed time period and also causes side effects, skin diseases, allergies etc.